Photos 1&2 the Golden Horn behind me
Photo 3 night view over the Blue Mosque
Photo 4 interior of the Blue Mosque
Photo 5 plane view over Istanbul
While in Istanbul for a personal project, the blonde half of the blog took advantage to get acquainted with the culture. This is her diary.
"I guess no trip ends up being exactly as you thought it would and probably this is the beauty of life. You meet people that amaze you with their disinterested kindness, others with whom you don't need to change more than a couple of words to disappoint you, you see places in which you never think you will find magic and you realize surprising facts about yourself. Such as actually enjoying being woken up every morning by the call to prayer from the nearest minaret.
What I haven't yet managed to enjoy is rain. Pouring rain, torrential rain, any type of rain was constantly present in Istanbul and kinda ruined most of my incentives to discover the city walking. Even though, it didn't alter in any way the archaic beauty of old city Sultanahmet, with its Blue Mosque and narghilé cafés. Deal of the day? The transparent umbrellas that we're sold at every corner by a noisy guy, the tourists' uniform regardless their origin or destination. Quite a view the army of white, blue and yellow umbrellas wondering through the square like bees circling the nest, certainly worth captured by the brush of a modern Manet.
All in all, Istanbul is definitely a city where I can picture myself getting lost on paved narrow streets pointing towards the deep blue sea. So maybe I'll be back when the sun decides to lay it's friendly rays more generously on us. Until then..."